Current leader Your current location is: homepage > School profile > Current leader

Principal Tang Tao

Take charge of the overall work of the school。


Party Secretary, supervisory Commissioner Li Jianchao

Presided over the work of the university Party Committee, in charge of party building, ideological and ideological work。


Vice President Cao Guangfu

In charge of teaching, laboratory construction, innovation and entrepreneurship education。


Deputy Party Secretary, vice president Zhi Xiucong

Responsible for students, Youth League committee, enrollment, employment, alumni work。


Vice President Xia Lianghui

In charge of scientific research work, industry-university-research cooperation, school-enterprise cooperation, education supervision, supervision (including petition work), trade unions, education congresses, care for the next generation。


Vice President Gong Ming

Assist the president in the construction of information management;In charge of library (including archives room), counterpart assistance work。


Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Wang LAN

Assist the principal in financial management;Responsible for bidding work。


Assistant Principal Liu Jincheng

Assist the president in charge of personnel, cadres, major project work, system construction;Responsible for school office, publicity, audit and other work。


Assistant principal Dai Yanfei

Responsible for general affairs, security, logistics (Guangdong Nanyuan Investment Development Co., LTD.) and Continuing Education College。


Jiang Wei, assistant to the principal

Assist in the management of students, Youth League committee, enrollment and employment。